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Haruki Murakami
304 páginas
Ano 2010
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Coming this October: Killing Commendatore, the much-anticipated new novel from Haruki Murakami Stunning and elegiac, Norwegian Wood first propelled Haruki Murakami into the forefront of the literary scene. Toru, a serious young college student in Tokyo, is devoted to Naoko, a beautiful and introspective young woman, but their mutual passion is marked by the tragic death of their best friend years before. As Naoko retreats further into her own world, Toru finds himself drawn to a fiercely independent and sexually liberated young woman. A magnificent coming-of-age story steeped in nostalgia, Norwegian Wood blends the music, the mood, and the ethos that were the sixties with a young man’s hopeless and heroic first love.

Mais informações

ISBN 10: 0307762718

ISBN 13: 9780307762719

Editora: Vintage

Edição: -

Ano: 2010

Páginas: 304

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