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Antoine de Saint-exupéry
290 páginas
Ano 2017
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The Little Prince is a work in French language, the most famous by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Published in 1943 in New York simultaneously in English and French, it’s a poetic and philosophical tale in the guise of a children's story. It has simple and uncluttered language, because it is intended to be understood by children, and, in fact, for the narrator, it is the preferred vehicle of a symbolic conception of life. Each chapter talks about a meeting of the little prince who leaves him perplexed about the absurd behavior of grown-ups. Each of these meetings can be read as an allegory. The watercolor paintings are part of the text and participate in this purity of language: simplicity and deepness are the key qualities of the work. You can read an invitation from the author to find the child in yourself, because all grown-ups were first children (but few of them remember). The book is dedicated to Léon Werth, but when he was a little boy.

Mais informações

ISBN 10: 1507198604

ISBN 13: 9781507198605

Editora: Babelcube Inc.

Edição: -

Ano: 2017

Páginas: 290

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