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Abbi Glines & Cássia Zanon
208 páginas
Ano 2014
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"Just when Blaire allowed herself to fall for her stepbrother, Rush, he revealed a life-altering secret so devastating that she couldn't forgive him. Unable to face him again, Blaire leaves the promise of true love behind in Rosemary Beach and returns to the comforts of her small town in Alabama, wanting nothing more than to put the summer behind her. But unexpected news complicates Blaire's plans, and she's forced to trust the one man she shouldn't. Trapped between Rush's fierce desire to win her back and her own sense of self-preservation, Blaire doesn't know if she's doing the right thing . . . or if she's making the biggest mistake of her life." --

Mais informações

ISBN 10: 8580412455

ISBN 13: 9788580412451

Editora: Editora Arqueiro Ltda

Edição: -

Ano: 2014

Páginas: 208

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