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Sebastian Faulks
352 páginas
Ano 2002
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A work of passion and breadth, set in Cold War America, from the bestselling author of Birdsong and Charlotte Gray. America, 1959. With two young children she adores, loving parents back in London, and an admired husband, Charlie, working at the British Embassy in Washington, the world seems an effervescent place of parties, jazz and family happiness to Mary van der Linden. But the Eisenhower years are ending, and 1960 brings the presidential battle between two ambitious senators: John Kennedy and Richard Nixon. An American newspaper reporter, Frank Renzo, enters the van der Lindens’ lives, and through him Mary is forced to confront the terror of the Cold War that is the dark background of their carefree existence. This is partly a love story, partly a novel about the United States; more  particularly, it tells of a solitary woman and her exhilarating attempt to face down death. On Green Dolphin Street is a new departure for Faulks, yet readers will recognize the intensely close focus of the characterization, the wide historical perspective, and the gathering emotional power of the narrative.

Mais informações

ISBN 10: 009927583X

ISBN 13: 978009927583

Editora: Vintage Books USA

Edição: 1

Ano: 2002

Páginas: 352

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