Vem, a gente te conta tudo.

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Margaret Atwood
476 páginas
Ano 2014
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Toby, a survivor of the man-made plague that has swept the earth, is telling stories. Stories left over from the old world, and stories that will determine a new one. Listening hard is young Blackbeard, one of the innocent Crakers, the species designed to replace humanity. Their reluctant prophet, Jimmy-the-Snowman, is in a coma, so they've chosen a new hero - Zeb, the street-smart man Toby loves. As clever Pigoons attack their fragile garden and malevolent Painballers scheme, the small band of survivors will need more than stories.

Mais informações

ISBN 10: 1844087875

ISBN 13: 9781844087877

Editora: Virago Press

Edição: -

Ano: 2014

Páginas: 476

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