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Luiz H. Rose, Maiza Fatureto & Tereza Sekiya
22 páginas
Ano 2007
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Readers for Teens provide engaging fictional stories with important themes for young learners of American English. This 24-page reader in American English complements the grammar and vocabulary taught in Connect Student's Book 2. There are 1,000-1,400 words, plus engaging illustrations. Tasks to review students' comprehension are available on the Connect Teacher's Support Site. Plot summary: David, Pete, and Frank are inseparable friends. One day, the three of them decide to live out an adventure in the woods. Their parents tell them not to go, but they don't listen. Their adventure becomes a dangerous challenge when the boys get lost. In the end, they learn the importance of confidence, trust, and not telling a lie.

Mais informações

ISBN 10: 0521043158

ISBN 13: 9780521043151

Editora: Cambridge University Press

Edição: 1

Ano: 2007

Páginas: 22

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